Gurmat Vidhya Kendar
Support us to do more Parchaar.

Waheguru jee ka khalsa, Waheguru jee ke fateh!

As you may or may not know, Punjab is suffering from a major drug problem that has destroyed the lives of many young people. Some studies have indicated that as much as 70% of the youth of Punjab is addicted to some form of drug. Punjab, the birthplace of Sikhism and the only Sikh majority state in India, has become a home to those addicted to heroin, prescription drugs, and alcohol.

Our Gurmat Education Program has been working to combat this issue by educating young Sikh children about their history, providing them with a deeper sense of community and a collection of positive role models to look up to. In doing so, we hope to keep these young children away from drugs and alcohol so that they can achieve their full potential.


Our Impact

(Gurmat Vidhya Kendar Began)
Gurmat Academies

We are making a difference—but there are thousands of children who still need access to Gurmat Vidhya. With your help, we can provide a brighter future for even more kids.

Over the years, we have been able to expand our reach to include more children across more villages. None of that is doable without the support of the sangat. When you choose to support this program, you're not only helping to maintain and grow our operation, but you're helping to preserve Sikh history and culture. 
UPDATE November 2022: - A new Gurmat Vidya Kendar is now operating in Madhya Pradesh for the Sikligar Sikh community.
UPDATE January 2022: - Gurmat Vidya Kendar are now fully operational.