Since 2014, we’ve supported 2,020 children across India.
As 2025 begins, 531 more await sponsorship.
Over 2000 dreams in progress—Join the Journey
Since 2014, we’ve empowered over 100 children to graduate, secure local jobs, or pursue opportunities abroad. Today, we’re supporting more than 2,000 children on their educational journey—but countless others are still waiting for a chance.
SAF ensures children and their immediate families receive care for basic medical needs, promoting improved school attendance. By addressing health challenges, we create a stronger foundation for academic success and overall well-being.
We uplift educational standards by supporting schools with classroom buildings, teaching materials, stationery, and other essential resources. These efforts foster a nurturing learning environment, empowering students to excel in their studies.
SAF addresses critical needs like repairing collapsing homes, constructing washrooms, and providing food aid. By ensuring children have safe and supportive home environments, we remove barriers that hinder their education and