Amandeep Kaur
Ref# IN01PB0747

About Me
My name is Amandeep Kaur . I'm a 9-year-old girl.

My birthday is
April 20, 2015.
I am from





Punjab We mostly deal with single mothers, farmer suicide families and other under privileged children with various familial situations.


Low Income family

My Story

Amandeep Kaur likes playing with her siblings, and her favourite fruit is apples. She looks up to her mother as her role model and likes the colour red. Amandeep's father works as a labourer and only works when there is work. Her mother has taken a job to help bring in a little extra cash to support the struggling family. She works as a helper at a kindergarten. Amandeep has three other sisters, all living in a single two-room house shared with their chacha(uncle).