Gurleen Kaur
Ref# IN01PB0955

About Me
My name is Gurleen Kaur . I'm a 9-year-old girl.

My birthday is
September 27, 2015.
I am from





Punjab We mostly deal with single mothers, farmer suicide families and other under privileged children with various familial situations.


Granthi/Gurdwara Worker's child

My Story

Gurleen is a bright young girl who loves school and playing with friends. She enjoys the color red and eating apples. Her father, a dedicated Granthi Singh, earns $120 monthly. SAF International recognizes the challenges faced by Granthi Singhs, emphasizing the need to support them. Besides his Seva at the Gurdwara Sahib, her father supplements income by selling milk at $0.65 per day from the family cow. Gurleen, resilient in the face of obstacles, aspires to see her family and brothers flourish in a brighter future.