Mar 18, 2018
Aishmeet's Story
Aishmeet Kaur lives with her family in the Ludhiana District. She is an outstanding student and all her teachers enjoy having her in their classes. Her father has worked hard his entire life to provide for his family. He worked hard as a farmer earning enough to get by. However, when Aishmeet was diagnosed with skin cancer 2013 he had to sell all but .25 acres of his land to pay for treatment for his daughter. It cost him 711500 rupees to keep his daughter alive. Without any land to farm, he now works as a laborer for just 6000 rupees, barely scraping by. Aishmeet's family now live out of a small shack that should not pass as a home. However, it's the only shelter her father can afford.
Aishmeet’s family is in desperate need of help. Through your support, Aishmeet will have access to all the opportunities every child deserves. Your monthly contribution will cover her tuition fees, school supplies, textbook costs, and medical expenses for her or any member of her immediate family. This will lift the burden of paying for Aishmeet’s education off her Father’s shoulders. Educating young children is an important step in ending poverty around the world. Sponsor Aishmeet today and join SAF INTERNATIONAL in the fight against poverty.