Jul 8, 2020
Children Will Now Have Access to Sikhi Learning Materials from SAF
Education of Sikhi will now be given to 800 children in India on a daily basis through SAF International's Sikhi Kee Hai Program
Based on the premise of selfless service, SAF international has established various programs. One of the first major initiatives that continues to thrive is the Educate A Child program that began in 2014. This program highlights the importance of education and acts as a long-term solution to ending the cycle of poverty. Since 2014, we have expanded our education programs by offering yearly updates to our sponsors, letter exchange and gift giving. This feature has been present since 2018 and has provided sponsors and children alike with a rewarding experience that will stay with them for a lifetime.
As SAF International continues to grow, we have launched a new course called Sikhi Kee Hai commencing in Fall 2020 that will enable children enrolled in our current EAC program with the opportunity to connect to their roots and learn about Sikhism.This is an optional opportunity for those interested and is available from levels 1-5. The course will provide a thorough history on Sikhi and will gradually become more in-depth as you progress through the different levels. Based on the principles of Sikhism, the course is available to students from all walks of life and faiths, opening them up the opportunity to learn more about Sikhism.
Moreover, we have designed the course to be like any other course within the curriculum by presenting yearly examinations and rewarding students with prizes and letters of Acknowledgement. In doing so, we can ensure that this course does not go unnoticed by the community.
This new course in the curriculum will be overlooked by an outreach officer that will be hired to solely focus on the day to day affairs of the initiative and be involved in enrolling children. They will also behave as a liaison officer by relaying information from this initiative to our headquarters here in Surrey, B.C. Canada.
“As we continue to grow our educational programs, we hope to engage young minds with the knowledge of Sikhi - encouraging them to become the best version of themselves with compassion, care and love for the betterment of the world.” - Shamandeep Singh, Chief Executive Officer & Founder of SAF International.