Mar 18, 2018

Tanu's Story

Tanu Kaur lives with her mother and family in the Amritsar district of Punjab. She is a very bright student and enjoys reading in her spare time. Tanu recently lost her father, who passed away in 2016 due to a heart attack. He was also the primary source of income for the family, without him, Tanu’s mother has struggled to make ends meet. Her mother now works long, tireless hours as a maid for three different households earning only 30 dollars a month. It is simply impossible to support a family of four with such little income. Tanu’s family is in dire need of support.

When families in India are met with financial difficulties it is young girls like Tanu that are hurt the most. Social bias in India does not prioritize the education of females, who are often deregistered from school and married off at young ages. If you sponsor Tanu Kaur today, SAF International can make sure that she does not suffer a similar fate. Your generosity will give hope to her mother and lift her spirits as she works tirelessly to provide for her young family. Through your support, Tanu will finish her education and might one day actually attend college. Your monthly contribution will cover her tuition fees, school supplies, textbook costs, and medical expenses for her or any member of her immediate family. Educating young children like Tanu is an important step in ending poverty around the world. Sponsor Tanu Kaur today and join SAF International in the fight against poverty.