Jasmeen Kaur
Ref# IN01PB0927

About Me
My name is Jasmeen Kaur . I'm a 14-year-old girl.

My birthday is
February 12, 2011.
I am from



Tarn Taran


Punjab We mostly deal with single mothers, farmer suicide families and other under privileged children with various familial situations.


Single Father/Mother

My Story

Jasmeen's father, a former private truck driver, passed away due to illness. Her mother battles Hepatitis C while working as a seamstress, earning a total monthly income of just $40, including her widow pension. Jasmeen Kaur is a bright student who shares her dreams with her elder sister and younger brother, all attending school. They have a house loan of $4,200, yet to be paid. Jasmeen looks up to her father as her role model and aspires to fulfill his wish of becoming an army officer.