Mehakpreet Kaur
Ref# IN01PB1017

About Me
My name is Mehakpreet Kaur . I'm a 8-year-old girl.

My birthday is
March 4, 2017.
I am from





Punjab We mostly deal with single mothers, farmer suicide families and other under privileged children with various familial situations.


Granthi/Gurdwara Worker's child

My Story

Meet Mehakpreet Kaur, who finds pleasure in eating Maggi and watching cartoons. She loves her parents the most. Her father is a Granthi Singh and she resides in Gurudwara Sahib with her parents and a sister. While fulfilling responsibilities at Gurdwara Sahib and conducting Akhand Paath Sahib at different places, her father makes $266 every month and her mother is a homemaker. Her favorite color is pink. In spite of facing life challenges, they are living joyfully and studying hard.