Jagjot Singh Gill
Ref# IN01PB1114

About Me
My name is Jagjot Singh Gill. I'm a 10-year-old boy.

My birthday is
December 10, 2014.
I am from





Punjab We mostly deal with single mothers, farmer suicide families and other under privileged children with various familial situations.


Low Income family

My Story

Jagjot lives in a small two-bedroom home with his parents and elder sister. His father works with borewell installers, earning $6 a day, while his mother, despite her disability, manages the household with care. The family leases their 1.5-acre land for extra income but faces a $2,230 debt for a tube well. Despite these challenges, Jagjot finds joy in playing games, eating apples, and spending time with his family. He adores his mother, and black is his favorite color.